Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Disciplining the Senses, or Socialness of the Senses

The construction of sensory experience and intellectual authority in the canopy management of sommelier training decants the connotations of power structures represented in the basal divisions of wine into old world and new world- where old and new world divisions signify topographies of intellectual predation and sensory perfection over Cartesian dissociations of sight, smell, taste, and ontologies. Terroir- place- becomes a deductive composite whose residue is an affect of finely filtered combinatorial assessments, sensory depositions of irrational, volatile constituents of being, and mitigations of phenomenological experiences coupled as agonist to the ligands of a constructed canon of imagined mythologies whose metaphorical pigments of queens and colonies stain deeper than anthocyanins

The intertextuality of a meso world field of experience, representation, interrogation, and imagination delimits this scope of Manichean constructed experience and authority to precipitate immobile historiographies insisting the frog be boiled slowly and to polymerize narratives independent of the exegesis of colonial rational domination- to suggest the presentation of wine as intuitive ecologies of the senses and not the social.   

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