Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Paradox of the Paradox of Universality

The first syntactical paradox is deployed simply to draw into question the logical or structural buoyancy or assertion of the paradox being advanced here- where the universal act of the subjective moralized assessment is pitted against the normalizing universality of simplicity at the cost of diversity.

Consider the seed. A moralized assessment mitigates a spectrum from the utilitarian to the minimal where nevertheless- and thus, universally- cultural, social, existential judgments are being levied upon empirical phenomena. There is no nested neural kernel operating independently of performative acts of subjectivities often founded in objective or collective seed banks. There is no foolish seedling- only a tangled membrane of generative subjectivities ultimately wrought by the filaments of social circumstances and preferences cast from the foundries of collectivities. 

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